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Hospice Physical Therapy 

“Learn How to Assist Your Loved One With Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy While Receiving Hospice Care”

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Hospice Physical Therapy (PT): Can your loved one have physical therapy while receiving hospice care?


We often receive this question regarding hospice physical therapy and if hospice physical therapy is a covered benefit under Medicare.


However, there are times and situations where you might have been told by a hospice agency that your loved one may need to pay privately for physical therapy services while receiving hospice care.


Suppose your loved one is utilizing their Medicare benefit to cover hospice care. In that case, that particular hospice agency is REQUIRED to provide physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) services if the services are considered medically necessary.

Direct Quote From The Medicare Benefit Policy Manual... 

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However, commonly we hear from caregivers who are caring for a loved one who is receiving hospice or palliative care services and they were told by the hospice agency that if their loved one is on hospice care they are unable to receive ongoing physical therapy services and they are responsible to pay privately for the hospice physical therapy treatment.


Unfortunately, this is not true and is a common misconception. However, physical therapy can be paid for on a self-pay basis, it all depends on your loved ones' particular situation. 



So what all is included with hospice therapy or physical therapy (PT) when someone's receiving hospice care?

While working with multiple individuals and their loved ones by providing in-home physical therapy in Waukesha and Greater Milwaukee area, here are the Top 3 Key Things To Consider when assisting a loved one with in-home hospice care... 


  • Ensure they're safe in their current living environment.

  • Try to minimize their pain level and maintain the highest level of quality of life possible.

  • If you are providing direct care for your loved one while they're receiving hospice care, have physical therapy come in to check out your current living environment to see if there are any suggestions for improving safety and minimizing any situations that may put your loved one at risk for falling for yourself or caregiver at risk for injury ensuring you're watching the proper technique for managing to lift or caring for your loved one is important. And this is also applicable if you have a paid-for caregiver service that helps assist with caring for your loved one. 

Hospice physical therapy can be beneficial to provide the proper instruction and guidance and exercise recommendations for your loved one and also to assist in checking to see if your loved one can get up out of bed or walk around their environment based on their physical function status.


Also, a hospice physical therapist can offer insight on the safest and best medical equipment to better assist your loved ones in the care they require.

End-of-life care whether your loved one is receiving or planning to have hospice care or palliative care does not automatically mean someone will pass away just because they start receiving hospice services.


We have assisted multiple individuals and their caregivers, to better assist not only to improve their quality of life but also to maintain what physical function they might have to age with dignity.


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Prestige Therapy and Wellness, LLC Waukesha, WI 262-880-4664

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